Diana Proemm

Tell us a little bit about yourself in 3-4 sentences:

Diana is a gypsy at heart, with crazy wanderlust issues, and an outdoor enthusiast who explores the world and trails on foot, mountain bike, and stand-up paddleboard. Her professional experiences are vast within the outdoor industry as a recreation therapist, professional guide, and outdoor adventure sports trainer for skiing, hiking, biking, and paddling.

Tell us a little bit about how you serve your people, in 2-3 sentences:

She focuses on helping women change their mindset into doing things they never thought they could do, teaching and training positive mindset practices through outdoor adventure sports.

What are you wanting to gain from your investment in this community?

Networking, connections and friendships.

What are you wanting to offer this community?

Programs to aid in better mental health and positive well-being.

What is the most impactful thing that Sky Oro has brought to your life since joining as a member?

New friendships

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